Thriving Through Your Kitchen Remodeling Anticipation Stage

Have you ever watched a butterfly emerge from its cocoon? That’s kitchen remodeling for you. It’s a thrilling, transformative journey that stirs up a whirlwind of emotions.

You’re psyched to wave goodbye to your outdated countertops and hello to sleek, modern finishes. But with it comes the anxiety – will everything go as planned?

In this emotional rollercoaster ride of kitchen remodeling, there’s one stage that stands out: anticipation! As you see your vision start materializing piece by piece – oh boy! It’s akin to watching as the last few pieces of a jigsaw puzzle get put into place.

However, it isn’t over yet, We’ve got some tricks to help you navigate this exciting but crucial phase effectively. Hold on tight because things are about to get interesting…

Understanding the Emotional Journey of Kitchen Remodeling

Way beyond just a simple home improvement project, kitchen remodeling is a journey. It’s an emotional roller coaster, with anticipation and exhilaration as its tantalizing components. As we near the finish line in our kitchen remodel at Infinity Custom Cabinets, it’s common to experience what we call the seventh stage: Anticipation.

As we near the end of our kitchen remodel journey, you might even be able to use some features already – giving those smooth cabinet doors a gentle swing or checking yourself out in the reflection from that brand-new stainless-steel refrigerator. But while parts of your dream kitchen may be functional now, remember to keep your head in the game.

Navigating the Anticipation Stage of Kitchen Remodeling Effectively

The anticipation stage of your kitchen remodeling journey with Infinity Custom Cabinets is an exciting yet pertinent time. You’re almost at the finish line, and you can finally fully see your vision coming together. It’s a moment filled with excitement as you start to use some of the new features in your remodeled kitchen.

The most accurate way to describe it is like the last few miles of a marathon. Excitement is building as the finish line approaches, but there are still some obstacles to overcome.

At this point in your kitchen remodel journey with Infinity Custom Cabinets, you may find yourself eagerly peeking into your nearly completed kitchen every morning. 

You’re anticipating sipping on that first cup of coffee brewed in your once-small kitchen, using your brand-new setup on all that extra counter space. Or you’re looking forward to it being the family space where you’ll cook a celebratory meal on those new stainless steel appliances.

But hold up. There’s more work ahead before popping open that champagne bottle to celebrate your kitchen refresh.

Stay Focused on The Final Details

While it’s tempting to get lost in this wave of excitement, remember that attention to detail during these final stages is paramount. Keep a close eye on everything from custom cabinet installations to finishing touches like handles and knobs. Ensure all elements are aligned with what was discussed during the planning stages.

It’s the perfect time to really start looking around to make sure you LOVE the way the natural light bounces off the kitchen backsplash, and that the color schemes go well with the hardwood floor in the dining area. This is your dream kitchen after all, so what if the project costs a bit more than you wanted?

Yes, some of these changes may be annoying or even pricey to make this late in the game, but it’s always better late than never. You don’t want to realize you absolutely hate the way something turned out after it’s already too late.

Maintain Communication With Your Remodeling Team

Your communication lines should remain open with our team here at Infinity Custom Cabinets as well as with your general contractor. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or voice any concerns about last-minute changes or adjustments needed for your custom cabinets.

It’s always best to communicate openly with your kitchen renovation team if something isn’t quite as expected so they can fix any issues promptly.

Savor The Moment But Stay Patient

This might be easier said than done but try not to let impatience overtake you during this stage. Remember, good things take time! Be excited about using your new kitchen cabinets, but also understand there may still be minor tweaks required before completion.

We think it’s best to take some time each day to appreciate how far you’ve come since kitchen demolition day so you realize that it really has been worth the wait.

Main Idea: 

Embracing the thrill of a kitchen remodel is part of an exhilarating journey. As you near the end, it’s crucial to keep your expectations in check and communicate clearly. 

Don’t forget to celebrate how far you’ve come. You’ll feel incredible joy when you first use that kitchen island prep space with quartz countertops.

Managing Expectations

To navigate through this stage effectively, it’s essential to manage expectations realistically. It might feel like everything should be done and dusted because things look almost complete visually – but remember Rome wasn’t built in a day nor was any beautiful modern kitchen.

Understand not everything will look perfect right away – minor adjustments often need to be made once all elements are put together, like if porcelain floor tiles would be best, or if it’s better to go with vinyl flooring or laminate flooring since they’re easier to install and might help save money (especially if you’ve already went over budget on labor costs for the renovation project).

Patience will be needed as finishing touches often take longer than expected due to their intricate nature. Details matter; they turn good projects into great ones.

kitchen remodeling

Create A Checklist For Last-Minute Tasks

A checklist will help ensure nothing slips through the cracks in these final moments of anticipation before unveiling your newly remodeled space. This could include cleaning tasks, checking appliance functionality, ensuring proper alignment, and installation of custom cabinetry among other details specific to your project.

You’ll also want to specifically make sure your kitchen lighting fixtures work, the range hood vents properly, and the sink faucets are functioning.

Making Final Decisions

This phase also involves making final decisions about minor details such as hardware styles or backsplash tiles – choices that significantly impact the overall aesthetic, and possibly the focal point, of your space.

If you feel overwhelmed by these tiny yet important decisions, don’t fret. We at Infinity Custom Cabinets are here for guidance with your remodeling project based on our years-long experience helping homeowners realize their dream kitchens.

Starting to Enjoy the New Features

Now, onto the fun part. The anticipation stage isn’t just about wrapping up loose ends; it’s also a time to start enjoying some of your kitchen’s new features.

You might not be ready for that grand dinner party in your new dining space yet, but nothing is stopping you from whipping up an impromptu meal at your spanking-new kitchen islands or organizing those custom-built oak cabinets with open shelving. Go ahead, live a little.

Main Idea: 

Get excited about your kitchen remodel with Infinity Custom Cabinets. Sure, it may seem almost complete but hold out for those all-important final touches that make a good project great. Begin to appreciate the new additions and start daydreaming about sipping your first cup of joe in this transformed space.


Kitchen remodeling is a thrilling ride. It’s all about embracing the anticipation stage and using it to fuel excitement, not anxiety. Manage expectations, make those final decisions, and start enjoying new features.

The journey might be winding but remember: you’re on the cusp of transformation – like that butterfly ready to spread its wings. You’re creating something beautiful here! Your dream kitchen is waiting at the finish line, so keep going!

Last stop, the one you’ve been waiting for… elation.

Want to access all the emotional stages articles in one place plus more? Download our free e-book here!